How valued are children in our world today? We give charitable contributions towards orphaned or under privileged children during the holiday season. We goo and ga over a newborn baby, we may even stand against anyone who may mistreat or injure a child. Do we really like having them around? Here are some scenarios I have encountered myself or have witnessed.
Scenario 1
Two people are making noise in church service. One is an older adult who is hard of hearing. He is constantly asking his neighbor "What did he say?" or "The music is to loud!". He makes several trips to the restroom through out the service. The other is baby Caleb who sits in grandmas lap. Caleb lets out an occasional coo that can be heard by those close by. Who gets the disapproving glares, the older adult or baby Caleb? Who suggest in church that someone should be kept somewhere else during service? Who is making the most noise?
Scenario 2
A young mother lets say her name is Kelly are at a gathering with her husband and four children. Kelly just found out she is expecting her fifth child and informs her friends and family of the news. She receives several remarks like" Haven't you figured out what causes that?" " NOW... are you going to have your tubes tied?" Finally "I'm happy for you but two is enough for me!" These are the attitudes we come across on a daily basis towards children.
Hi my name is Mitsy. I am a God fearing,cloth diapering addict,breastfeeding,co-sleeping mommy of four. Chloe is 9, Elijah is 7, Savannah is 4 and our newest addition Jireh born on May 31st 2010. I married my best friend Chad in February 2000. We are one big happy ever-growing family!
Ten years and four kids later I have changed how I value children. I am giving up the flow "Going with the flow" attitude and allowing God to control. This has not been an easy process by far. It started ten years ago. I was raised in a christian home and was taught to be pure sexually until marriage. I am proud to say I stayed pure until marriage. My husband also had the same convictions in the area of purity. We married February 4th 2000 I then quickly discovered I conceived during our honeymoon. At that time I had been on the pill prior to our wedding. Unfortunately and although I was raised in a christian home the common thing to do before marriage was to get on the pill. Finishing college and getting my teaching degree was my priority. Nine months flew by, along with that came a lot of guilt for letting my parents down and not being able to continue school. I felt as though I let our marriage down because now we would not have the time as newlyweds to spend together. How did this happen when I was on the pill?I would ask myself.
Scenario 1
Two people are making noise in church service. One is an older adult who is hard of hearing. He is constantly asking his neighbor "What did he say?" or "The music is to loud!". He makes several trips to the restroom through out the service. The other is baby Caleb who sits in grandmas lap. Caleb lets out an occasional coo that can be heard by those close by. Who gets the disapproving glares, the older adult or baby Caleb? Who suggest in church that someone should be kept somewhere else during service? Who is making the most noise?
Scenario 2
A young mother lets say her name is Kelly are at a gathering with her husband and four children. Kelly just found out she is expecting her fifth child and informs her friends and family of the news. She receives several remarks like" Haven't you figured out what causes that?" " NOW... are you going to have your tubes tied?" Finally "I'm happy for you but two is enough for me!" These are the attitudes we come across on a daily basis towards children.
Hi my name is Mitsy. I am a God fearing,cloth diapering addict,breastfeeding,co-sleeping mommy of four. Chloe is 9, Elijah is 7, Savannah is 4 and our newest addition Jireh born on May 31st 2010. I married my best friend Chad in February 2000. We are one big happy ever-growing family!
Ten years and four kids later I have changed how I value children. I am giving up the flow "Going with the flow" attitude and allowing God to control. This has not been an easy process by far. It started ten years ago. I was raised in a christian home and was taught to be pure sexually until marriage. I am proud to say I stayed pure until marriage. My husband also had the same convictions in the area of purity. We married February 4th 2000 I then quickly discovered I conceived during our honeymoon. At that time I had been on the pill prior to our wedding. Unfortunately and although I was raised in a christian home the common thing to do before marriage was to get on the pill. Finishing college and getting my teaching degree was my priority. Nine months flew by, along with that came a lot of guilt for letting my parents down and not being able to continue school. I felt as though I let our marriage down because now we would not have the time as newlyweds to spend together. How did this happen when I was on the pill?I would ask myself.
Finally November 9th 2000 along came Chloe 8.12 ounces she was the most beautiful thing I ever encountered in my life. A tiny baby with bright eyes, big feet, and long fingers starred into mine and it was love at first sight. This love could not be explained or even compared. Although I went through a very difficult delivery this helpless baby girl was mine to love, protect and care for. After having my baby girl I could not imagine leaving her to go to work so I started watching children in my home. Two years later came a whopping 9.10 ounce baby boy Elijah. Elijah has always been a stubborn child who loves a challenge and is very competitive, but besides that he has such a big heart. Then three years later came Savannah, daddy's little sweet heart! Savannah brings a lot of love and laughter to our family. Now after the birth of my third I decided I was finished having babies. Parenting was getting more challenging and I just didn't want to go through labor anymore!
My husband and I decided that was all the kids we were having. Then that day came where I started getting really sick every morning. The thought of being pregnant crossed my mind several times. “But we were so careful I could not possibly be pregnant I thought”. Sure enough “positive” was the result of the pregnancy test. I kept asking God why? My husband plumbing job was extremely slow during this time, and I thought I could not handle anymore kids in my life! “How are we going to afford another child?” kept running thru my mind. I even feel ashamed to say this, but I did not want this child at this time. But just as God said the fruit of the womb is his reward!
God began pulling on my heart strings during my pregnancy. I started to think more positive and started hoping that maybe we could have another boy or finally I might get a baby to have my dark hair. After giving all my worries to God he spoke to me in a message our pastor spoke one night. The pastor explained briefly the meaning of Jehovah Jireh witch means the Lord will provide. At that moment God gave us the name Jireh meaning provide. Finally the day came May 31st 2010 I delivered our 2nd son Jireh. God has provided tremendously for our family! My husband business is now thriving and we are so in love with having another baby around the house. My whole thought process has changed since having Jireh. Babies come from the Lord! Here are a few old testament examples of where babies come from. In Gen. 17:2 God promises Abraham “And I will make my covenant between me and thee, and I will multiply thee exceedingly. God said I will multiply. Gen. 20 the household of Abimelech was suddenly barren. God closes the womb. Ruth 4:13 the Lord enabled Ruth to conceive. Psalms 139 God planned you. I question myself what if I tried to stop each child from coming into this world? Psalms 127:5 says Happy is the man that has his quiver full. I would have stripped blessings away from my husband by being selfish and not letting God control. Just as God provided with the very first baby he continues to provide with each child just as he did with the first! Huge numbers of Christian families now limit their family size. It is time for us Christians to get back to the bible. Start accepting the blessings of children, and let the world follow us for a change!
What a testimony, Mitsy! And congratulations on your baby son! (Our son Seth, just forwarded this to me as I am not on facebook.) Keep strong in the Lord and enjoy those little ones from Him! Our eighth baby is growing up... I surely will miss a baby in the home! Praying for you in your very important work! Brenda Sutherland