
November 6, 2010

10 Things That Bug Me!!!

1. When my dog Raven dashes out the door and roams the neighborhood or breaks free off her chain.

2. When my husband brings home things that clutter the house.

3. Finding toothpaste spots on the sink and bathroom mirror.

4. When I lay my 5 month old down to play while I try to get 1 thing done around the house. My kids decide to come huddle over him, kiss him, touch his head and annoy him, then he starts crying!!! Auhhhhh!

5. Walking thru the front door and smelling the aroma of a new herbal tea my husband has decided to try! The smell about makes me gag!

6. When a stranger comes up to me at the store and thinks they can do a better job as a parent. (Oh no you didn't!!!)

7. If you do not pay a traffic violation in a certain time you can have your liscence suspended. (Isn't that called oppresion?)

8. When big companies can get bailouts but you have a couple rough months and you better pay up buddy!!!!

9. When I see a bumper sticker that says " Pro-Choice" or " Want change vote Democrat"

10. When I'm late anywhere!

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