Learning The Facts Can Lead To A Change Of Heart!
On Sunday January 16th our church will be celebrating the sanctity of human life.
As I sit here I can not help but think of the 3,315 abortions performed on a DAILY basis!
For many people abortion is more of an idea than a hard reality.
Often the general public know very little about how many abortions are performed and how they are carried out. I just feel led to state the facts about abortion because knowing the facts can lead to a change of heart.
When Does A Fetus' (A human being from approximately the 8th week of life) Heart Begin To Work?
Between 18 - 24 days after conception.
When Can A Fetus' Brain Waves Be Detected?
6 weeks after conception
When Does A Fetus' Fingernails Began To Grow?
By 9 weeks after conception they are forming.
When Can A Fetus Feel Pain?
As early as 8 weeks after conception, based on the development of the nervous system.
What Are Some Other Milestones Of Fetal Development?
9 weeks - Fetus can bend it's fingers and suck it's thumb.
11 weeks - Breathing amniotic fluid steadily.
12 weeks - Fetus can kick,turn over, make a fist,open it's mouth and press it's lips together.
13 weeks - vocal chords and auditory sense are present.
20 weeks - Can be startled by loud noises.
23 weeks - (REM) Rapid Eye Movement
16 weeks from Conception
20 weeks from conception
Abortion Facts
How Many Abortions Are Performed In The U.S?
1.21 million abortions were performed in the U.S in 2005.
This is the most recent year for data is available.
This comes to 3,315 per day.
How Many Abortions Performed Since It Was Legalized?
Since 1973 50 million abortions.
How Old Are The Women Having Abortions?
> 15 years old: 0.5%
15-19 years old: 16.4%
20-24 year old: 32.6%
25-29 years old: 23.4%
30-34 years old: 14.5%
35-39 years old: 8.7%
40+: 3.2%
Half of all abortions are on women 24 years and younger.
What Percentage Of Pregnancies End In Abortions?
1.21 million abortions in 2005 compared to 4.14 live births.
Why Do Women Have Abortions?
98% personal choice
32% not emotionally capable
25% not financially capable
16% drastically alter life
0.3% rape
0.03% Incest
0.2% protection of a mothers life
In other words, out of 1,000 women only 3 cite rape, 2 women cite protecting their life and out of 10,000 women 3 cite Incest.
Warning Graphic Pictures!!!!!!!!
What Are The Various Methods Of Abortion?
Suction Aspiration-performed 6-12 weeks. Cervix is dilated, hollow plastic tube is inserted with sharp tip. An aspirator is attached and tears the body of fetus apart.Suctions body pieces thru tube.
D&C Abortion-1st trimester. A Curette (sharp looking knife) is inserted to scrape walls. The curette is then used to dismember the fetus in the placenta.
Intracardiac Injection-16 weeks needle injects into fetus' heart and poison is injected, causing an immediate heart attack. Commonly used following in vitro fertilization if multiple embryos were implanted.
D&E-13-20weeks or up to 28 weeks.
Forceps are inserted to forcibly dismember the fetus and pieces are removed 1 by1.Larger fetus' must have their skull crushed to so the pieces pass thru the cervix.
Partial Birth Abortion-late 2nd or 3rd trimester.
Forceps are inserted to grasp the fetus legs. Fetus is delivered breach while head remains inside birth canal. Using a blunt tip surgical scissors the base of the skull is pierced and a suction catheter is inserted to extract contents of the skull. Skull collapse and dead fetus is delivered.
Saline Abortion-2nd and early 3rd trimester.
Amniotic fluid is drained and replaced with saline solution.The fetus swallows the solution and is then killed by salt poisoning,dehydration,brain hemorrhaging and convulsions.
Prostaglandin Abortion-2nd and early 3rd trimester.
A dose of prstaglandin hormones are injected in uterine muscles,which induces violent labor resulting in death of fetus. Rarely used today because of high risk fetus will survive.
Medical Abortion-Prior to 49 days.
Women is administered a abortifacient compound called RU-486 or Mifeprex. This blocks the natural hormone vital to maintaining the lining of the uterus. As the lining disintegrates,the embryo starves.Causes the embryo to be expelled from uterus.
Fetus is Latin term for "little one"used to describe a stage of development. Just like "infant" or "adult".
Just because something is legal does not make it right. Slavery was legal in the U.S. Slavery was not wrong when it was abolished after the civil war-slavery was always wrong!
Sanctity of Life means Sanctity- Holiness of and Character, the quality or state of being holy or sacred.
Life- The quality that distinguished a vital and functional being from a dead body.
During the month of January please pray for our nation and leaders that Roe vs Wade will be overturned.
Pray that we who are called by his name will humble ourselves and pray and seek his face and turn from our wicked ways;then will he hear us and forgive us of our sin and heal this land. II Chron. 7:14
...Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.
Matthew 25:40
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