
January 4, 2011


“And Abraham galled the name of that place Jehovah-Jireh: as it is said to this day, In the mount of the Lord it shall be seen.” — Genesis 22:14.

Our heavenly father sees our need, and because of his great love he makes way for the supply.

When we had our 4th child  we named him Jireh. God gave us this name While listening to our pastor one Sunday evening. During this time I had been struggling with the idea of being pregnant again for the 4th time. I really did not want any more children, I did not want to go through a natural delivery again because of my past experiences, and honestly we could not afford another child. My husbands business had basically hit bottom. My parents were honestly keeping us fed through-out these times along with food banks. Because the business was not bringing any money in we had to stop paying all our bills just to eat. I was feeling very depressed during this time. I would question God on why he would let this happen. Finally when I heard our pastor speaking on giving your worries to God and the meaning of Jehovah-Jireh I changed my whole thought process. From that moment I told God I will trust in him and I'm giving all my worries to him. I believe God spoke to me and said I want you to name your baby, Jireh (this was before we knew he was a boy). After placing all my cares on him he began to provide for our family. My husbands business has been non stop busy for over a year now, Praise God!!! I believe he wanted us to name our baby Jireh just to be of an encouragement to someone and to proclaim his name and how faithful our Lord is!
My Jesus, my Savior, Lord there is none like you, all of my days, I want to praise, the wonders of your mighty love!!!!

Jireh Josiah

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