
January 3, 2011

MY TOP 10 BLOGS OF 2010!!!

I love all of these and hopefully they will be of an encouragement to you as well!

My first Favorite Blog is
Janelle presents simple comfort food easy to prepare.

My second is
This blog features everything from beauty, bile studies, freebies to coupons.
I don't know about you but I love to go to one site and find it all!

My third favorite making it's way to the top is
This blog title is a return to biblical womanhood.
She encourages woman to be a helpmeet to your husband, being modest in apparel, and also housekeeping and organizational tools.
It is very refreshing to hear other woman with these values! is my fourth  favorite.
Sacy McDonald is a pastors wife and they have 10 little blessings from the Lord.
She brings so much wisdom from her experiences and insight in life. Stacy's blog contains articles from Homeschooling, Government, Feminism to Courtship. I almost forgot she also features Young Living Diffuser aromatherapy which was my favorite Christmas gift I received from my husband!

Here is another one of those blogs that is just packed with so many articles to read!
This site has homemaker happenings, Christian movie reviews and even healthy Gluten free recipes!

I like  because I can listen to the podcast while doing things around the house.
For those of you who love to read books Moms of Faith has a book club.

If you inspire to raise your daughter in godliness and teaching her the blessings of being a homemaker this is a wonderful site! Be encouraged and inspired on raising young ladies for our King!

Ok this blog is a little different than the rest. How many of you love thrift shops and Goodwill? I love finding  a deal! This site will teach you to decorate your home on a budget.

This next blog comes from a personal friend of mine. If it wasn't for Katherine I would have never been inspired to start my own blog. I love her blog because she gives us an insight to the military life. I love reading her post on being a new mom and seeing her baby Adam grow up.

Finally, my all time favorite blog is I accidentally came across some videos she had posted on youtube and since then I have been addicted to her blog. I really enjoy her videos check them out!

And there you have it my favorite blogs of 2010.
I hope you enjoy some of these and are encouraged by the wonderful ladies who put so much into their blogs to bless us and teach us in our everyday life.


  1. Love all these! You have a few I have not heard of and a few that I love. Thanks for posting mine as well! :) If you need any help or have any questions about blogging let me know!

  2. I love many of these too! Thank you, thank you for posting about Beauty 4 Moms. It means a great deal to me, thanks. :)

